
Friday 3 February 2012

Where I quote Seinfeld

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We all know one of  'those' couples. You know the kind you see in the posters picnic-ing  with their perfect  blanket and the perfect picnic baskets raising their glasses to toast something along the lines of  'Here's to you ,You complete me' . Atleast, that is what I think they are toasting to, in my head! Sadly, I realized we are not one of them! sigh!

This is the exact conversation that happens between my husby and I sometimes on a saturday afternoon!

JERRY Why do I always have the feeling that everybody's doing something better than me on Saturday afternoons?
ELAINE This is what people do.
JERRY No they don't. They're out on some big picnic. They're cooking burgers. They're making out on blankets. They're not at some mall in Jersey watching their friends trying to find the world's cheapest air-conditioner.

Except Jerry would be ME and ELAINE would be my husby! And replace 'They're not ...." withsome equally boring thing like "Except they are not watching back-to-back movies on Netflix or except they don't get up at 11 in the morning and cry that the entire day is gone " or something like that.

We (atleast I) have been planning to get out early on a saturday and just go sit in the park with a blanket and some sandwiches and have a 'picnic' . But little did we know it is a long process.

First, you need to get up atleast before 10 on a saturday ( and that has never ever happened)
Second, You need to buy a picnic hamper and knowing you and your tendency to get bored of things so easily and quickly, your husband would refuse to spend on a picnic hamper .
Third, you need to get up and make sandwiches or some 'picnic-ky' snack . Refer to point 1.
Fourth, you need to dress up nice and not spend your saturday in sweats.

So, we will let you know if one day we do manage to get our lazy asses off the couch and pose like this couple ..One can dream right ?;)



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