
Thursday 21 March 2013


Dated-ness I am hooked to HGTV. It could be because I really, really love home decor or because I am living my "dream-home" dream through them. Evey time I watch their shows, I hear them commenting on how dated the kitchen is or the bathroom is. And I totally do that too. Look at that wallpaper..look at that bathtub..Look at the tiles..What were they thinking..You get the idea! I looked around my home and it made me think what would people twenty years from now say when they look at it. Would they find it as dated as we find the eighties home now? The horror! Would they look at the clean lines of our furnitures and say 'OMG..look at THAT..That's so 2012'. It says something about the evolution of our style and taste, doesn't it? I can think of so many things that I thought was perfect for the home but now I regret buying them. That ugly contour rug around the toilet, I am lookin atcha. And things I'd never have thought of buying for the home, I think they are pretty stylish now. Same thing goes for clothes, make-up too. I mean I just went out and bought a red lipstick. I'd never in a million years would have thought I will even go near the red shade section at the store, forget actually buying one. And the idea of beauty has changed so much. What was a conventionally beautiful face is considered boring now. Now, that's a welcome change! I'd love to finish every blog post with a logical conclusion, but sometimes I blog just because I want to pen down my random thoughts and other times because I haven't blogged in so long that I just want to dust off my blog and get it going, like now!



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