
Thursday 21 March 2013

Word of the Year

I have never really been big on resolutions. And, not in a cynical bah-humbug kinda's more of a write-down-my-resolutions-and-forget-about-it-around-the-tenth-of-january kinda thing. But this year, I wanted it to be a little different. And I saw a lot of 'word of the year' doing the rounds everywhere and by everywhere, I mean Pinterest, ofcourse! I thought it'd be a cool thing to think of one word and resolve to be or do just that the entire year. Kind of like having a theme for the year. How cool is that?! Lately, I have been feeling like I am perpetually preparing a mental list of "Things to Buy". You know, for me, for our home, for our neighbour..well, not really for our neighbour..I exaggerate! You get the drift right? Anyway, moving on..My list never got to the all-checked-off stage because I would keep adding things to it. It ranged from a $5 thing to more expensive ones. But, the list never got done. And then, it hit me that I am trying to find satisfaction in how good my house looked or how well truned-out I looked when I was out with my friends. I was letting these things decide my level of happiness and how I felt. So, over the past few days, I have been thinking about it and I want to focus on contentment. Just being content with what I we have and being grateful. I realized that I have been constantly pining for new things and pinterest doesn't really help either! I look around my home and I look at my closet. And I am happy with what I see. Ofcourse there is room for improvement but it really should not dictate the way I feel. This year is going to be all about being happy and content with what I have been blessed with. It's about utilizing whatever is in my closet to the fullest, cherishing our home the way it is, getting creative with things that is already available around me. There's always going to be that mismatched night stand which needs to be replaced, that new 'it' pants that has to be a 'must-have', those adorable throw pillows that'd look great in your living room, but I am not going to measure my joy with having the need to buy them immediately. Things can wait! NOT owning them is not going to stop me from hosting friends at our home or from going out and having a great time with my husband. Friends and the husband would rather have a joyful person than a 'stylish'one. And Tanvi's challenge could not have come at a better time. I have decided to be on a five month shopping ban! Let's see how it goes! It's totally normal if I have already made a mental list of things to buy with the money I'd have saved, right?! Right.



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